The privacy of our customers is paramount.

Personal Information We Capture

If you access the Site, we automatically collect some information about your device, which includes data about the web browser you are using, IP address, time zone and a few of the cookies installed on the device. In addition, when you visit the Site, we collect information about each web page or products you browse, what websites or search terms led users to our Site, and information about how you interact with the Site. We refer to this automatically-collected information as \”Device Information\”.

Device Information can be collected by using the following techniques.

– \”Cookies\” are data files that are saved in your device or on your computer and often have an anonymous unique identification number. For more information about cookies, and how to disable cookies, visit

\”Log Files \”Log files\” monitor the actions that occur on the Site as well as collect personal information including your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, dates and time dates and time stamps.

Web beacons, tags and pixels are all electronic files that store information about the way you browse on the Site.

Additionally when you complete a transaction or attempt to make a purchase through the Site, we collect specific information about you, including the name of your account, billing address along with shipping address, credit card details (including credit card numbers) and email address as well as your phone number. We refer to this as \”Order information\”.

When we talk about \”Personal Information\” in this Privacy Policy, we\’re speaking both of Device Information as well as the Order Information.

How do we use your Personal Data?

The Information we collect from the Order Information We collect to fill any orders made on our Site. This is done by processing the payment details and shipping arrangements, as well as providing receipt of invoices or confirmations for orders as well as other such information. These Order Details are also used for:

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Screening our orders against fraud and other potential risks.

– When in line with the preferences you have given us, we will give you details or advertisements relating to our products or services.

Device Information is collected in order to determine the risk of fraud and/or risk (specifically IP addresses) as well as, in general in order to optimize and improve the site. (For example we create analytics to determine how people browse and interact on the website as well as analyze the impact of marketing and advertising campaigns).


We will keep your Order Information on file for as long as you don\’t ask us to take it off.


The policy can alter from time to time, in order to reflect any modifications we make to our business practices and also for legal, operational and regulatory reasons.